The A1s are fairly well covered and the time frame might fit before all M60 were
Any ideas/input ?

Hello Christopher,
I am thinking that there is at least a single photo of an M60 in the Squadron book that sure looks like it is in the MASSTER scheme. I am not where I can check on it, but, I recall that it may have been in a position beneath a bridge or behind some other terrain feature.
Given the time frame that has been pointed out, what I am recalling may very well have been somethings that was applied in the field that just resembles "7th Army" Camo.
As an interesting side note, I saw an M109 still in MASSTER at Hohenfels in 1981.
That was a bit of a surprise to me.
Quoted TextHello Christopher,
I am thinking that there is at least a single photo of an M60 in the Squadron book that sure looks like it is in the MASSTER scheme. I am not where I can check on it, but, I recall that it may have been in a position beneath a bridge or behind some other terrain feature.
Given the time frame that has been pointed out, what I am recalling may very well have been somethings that was applied in the field that just resembles "7th Army" Camo.
As an interesting side note, I saw an M109 still in MASSTER at Hohenfels in 1981.
That was a bit of a surprise to me.
I'm asking, because way deep in my memory, I believe to have seen a pic of a slick M60 sporting that camo scheme. But if my memory is fooling me then I'll do an M60A1 in MASSTER ... a slick M60 in MASSTER would be really something out of the ordinary though !
Thankx & Cheers
Quoted TextHello Christopher,
I am thinking that there is at least a single photo of an M60 in the Squadron book that sure looks like it is in the MASSTER scheme. I am not where I can check on it, but, I recall that it may have been in a position beneath a bridge or behind some other terrain feature.
Given the time frame that has been pointed out, what I am recalling may very well have been somethings that was applied in the field that just resembles "7th Army" Camo.
As an interesting side note, I saw an M109 still in MASSTER at Hohenfels in 1981.
That was a bit of a surprise to me.
I'm asking, because way deep in my memory, I believe to have seen a pic of a slick M60 sporting that camo scheme. But if my memory is fooling me then I'll do an M60A1 in MASSTER ... a slick M60 in MASSTER would be really something out of the ordinary though !
Thankx & Cheers
Just thought I'd throw in my two cents:
In October 1971 I was a PFC straight out of AIT, newly assigned to the 3rd Bn, 37th Armor in Erlangen, FRG (part of 2nd Brigade, 1st AD).
I was a member of the Scout Platoon, in HHC, and the Battalion line companies were equipped with M60A1's. However. the Battalion HQ Tank Section was equipped with round turret M60's. I remember this distinctly, because even back then, I was modelling, and took a big interest in paint schemes, and vehicle types. The slick M60's were gone within my first year in the Battalion.
Each line company had a platoon (5 tanks) worth of M60A1's in "admin storage" with no crews, and vehicle cannibalization, while officially forbidden, was common. Due to this, and lack of crews, the battalion operational tank count was 12 or so per company (2 platoons of 5 + 2 Co HQ) for a total of 38 or so for the entire Battalion (3 Companies of 12 + 2 Bn HQ).
Our situation in the Scout Platoon was pretty bad too...first we were equipped with the "wonderful" M114A1E1 (20mm gun), and second, our manning level was only good enough to keep 5-6 out of 10 vehicles (9 M114's and 1 M113) assigned in service at any time. I also recall a shortage of spare parts for us and the tanks alike.
So far as camouflage goes, everything was painted a very dark, almost black semi-gloss olive drab, with black stars, and white registration and bumper numbers. About 2 years later (1973 or so) everything was repainted in the "7th Army" scheme.
Hope this is somewhat helpful.
It's taken me most of the day but I've been racking my brains for a 1:35 M60 finished in the MASSTER scheme which somewhere along the line I recalled seeing; eventually I found it: try the Pattonmania website - hopefully this link will work and take you to a modeller's efforts by the name of Jakko:
If not I'm sure a bit of judicious Googling will turn it up.
It does look quite different and hopefully will inspire (it has me - I now fancy producing Commander's resin MBT 70 in the scheme as a What-If!)
Quoted TextIt's taken me most of the day but I've been racking my brains for a 1:35 M60 finished in the MASSTER scheme which somewhere along the line I recalled seeing; eventually I found it: try the Pattonmania website - hopefully this link will work and take you to a modeller's efforts by the name of Jakko:
If not I'm sure a bit of judicious Googling will turn it up.
It does look quite different and hopefully will inspire (it has me - I now fancy producing Commander's resin MBT 70 in the scheme as a What-If!)
Hi, Brian!![]()
I used your Pattonmania link in your last post- Your link took me directly to the Pattonmania site, and subsequently, I went right to Jakko's M60-slick build with the MASSTER camo scheme...
Just thought you might have wanted to know if it worked- It did for me, anyway...![]()
Tankograd's book on MASSTER/DUALTEX/MERCD book has some slick 60's in MASSTER.
It's my favorite pattern, just has a classic look to it. Actually, when you view the vehicles in that European environment it seems to work really well too.
Probably posted this too many times, but my favorite camo (not my best build):
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