A lot of this colouring will be toned down and blended better after washing and filters!
Then I detailed painted. All metal fittings and ropes were humbrol 53 .. gunmetal. Stowage tracks .. Hu 160 German camo red-brown. Rubber wheels .. Hu 33 black. All crane fiitins that camo overspray were painted back to desert yellow Hu93. Tracks tidied up aain with Hu29 earth.
The only painting example given in the instructions is Italy 44. Would this Tiger have been given a number? The kit supplied numbers are individual red with white borders. Would these do, or was there a particular numbering colour used here? Any help or input here would be appreciated!
Im thinking of using Tristars latest figure set ... the DAK tank crew for the figures. Would these be suitable or would something else be better? I have three open hatches with no detail so these need figures! Any ideas?
The item on the tank back... inside the right tow rope ... what is it or what was it used for? Its used on a lot of German kits and I dont know what it is!
All critic and points of view are welcome. Dont hold back.