OK , starting with pic #5 : this is the paper template with the over sized plastic card
ppic # 6 : getting the forward edges drawn
pic # 7 and # 8 : the overhang this is where I measure the 4 mm
pic # 9 and # 10 : I add a plate to the side of the turret as well to hide the plate added to the front
pic # 11 and # 12 : filling in the underside - to keep the filler putty from melting the thin plastic card
and pic # 13 : I add the plate the entire legenth of the turret to avoid having to blend in the edge of the card stock , just have to remeber to punch out the locater holes for the sponson boxes .
Winchweight : this is the M1A1/A2 turret that Trumpter / Hobby craft use in their kits , I don't know about the Chally 2 - but am thinking about doing one .
Blackthor and Major_goose : The card is very thin so it really dosen't put the turret thickness out of scale - 4mm is what the tweaks list calls for - if I put the tape to mine it would be about 3mm - 2.5 mm
Jurgen : thought you might need this - good luck on your tank
I hope this helps someone on the m1 group build , this tank will be the KVT tank used by OPFOR at NTC FT.Irwin Califorina .