Koblenz and Sinnsheim are both great museums, and it would have been nice to include them, but in organizing this tour I had to work primarily with three factors: cost, time and logistics. The idea of putting this tour together was to make it as affordable and comfortable for those that could make it. Time was a problem as not everybody can take three weeks off. A secondary factor was how to keep the interest of those along for the ride. Too much armor would not have been good, as is the case with too much aviation. Knowing that some people on the tour may have never been to Europe, or may never go again, the idea was to break up the military aspect to allow for some cultural experiences and sites. I also liked Dresden, but peace museum or not, Dresden is a wonderful city to visit both from an armor perspective, as well as aviation. But as the organizer of the trip, I can tell you that the activity planned for the "Top Secret" day, will knock armor enthusiates'