well I have got the tank body about 2/3rds done. This has been converted out of the Italeri GMC water tank body. I still have to sand the filler and alter the bottom. It is just sitting on temperary blocks to judge the hight. The cab is also partly done and is a modified Italeri GMC water tank truck cab. The cowl had to be widened 60 thou or 1 & 1/2 mm to suit the Tamiya body. Still to do are the doors and fill in the top firewall section. The whole body is only sitting on the chassis at the moment.
the 60thou packer in the cowl unit. Still a lot of filling and sanding to do here.
this end when sanded will go behind the cab. The flat base of this body will also be removed when the filler is dry on the top.
any and all comments welcomed. More pics including a copy of a picture of the real truck can be found in the first installment of 'Aussie Chev Fuel tanker'