Hi Ratomir
You’ve done a really excellent job - I’ve looked at this kit box so many times over the years and for unknown reasons not bought it, I think you’ve just changed my mind! As we’re in the Constructive Feedback forum I have a couple of (hopefully helpful) comments;
The condition of the tarp is slightly too clean, it’s contrasting with the heavy weathering of the vehicle – maybe a little more dust on it? Also the edges of the tarp need rope ties every (?) 6 or 7 millimetres, either tying it to the cargo-bed walls or hanging loose. Beige-coloured cotton thread works, although it’s a good idea to “swoop” a length of it about 10 cms above a candle-flame to gently burn off the “hairiness”. I know it is a bit of a cliché but with all that mud, each wiper should have cleared an arc of mud from the screen. One easy way is to cut the correct shape from the sticky part of a Post-It note and use it as a mask to either airbrush or brush a dilute mud-wash onto the screen. If you try that, of course don’t forget to clean the screen first before you start...
Great job,