It is raining for few days now, and drying times are slow... so i begine to put on samoe basic leggings colour (Vallejo 837 Pale sand)
Then I began with sahdowing the flesh... I decidet to work with oil colours so i am using a 1:1 mixture of Burnt sienna and Row umber + mineral odorles spirit... For this 1st guy i used a premixed wash of those two colours but i think that is not good to have a premixed oil colors staying for a few time... there was some pieces inside it was not working good.
I think that is better to make a fresh wash evry time... I am corect?

For the other two guys i decidet to use a "havy oil" shadowing, so i puted some pieces of masking tape on to protect a little bit the rest of the body...

I mixed 1:1 ratio of Row umber and Burnt sienna WITHOUT any thinner... than i aplied the thick paint all over the face and the hands with a scrap flath brush...

After about 20min i slowly began to take away the oil paint with a better flath brush, gently, slowly with a dry brush constantly cleaning it on the papper, aplying just small amounts of thinner...
With a samll brush and some thinner if needed, you can blend and corect some areas that you dont like it...

When the oil was drying i aplied a base colour for hte uniform (Vallejo 893 Us dark green)

With a small brush i started applying the highlight face colour, witch was again 845 Sunny skin tone. The wash toned it down, so I think that now it can work as a highligt colour
Basicly i painted the chicks, the nose, the eyebraws, the jaw line, the ears, leaving the recessed areas intouched... it was a slow proces, something between painting and drybrushing...
I painted the withenes of the eyes with 837 Pale sand colour and a Revell 00 painta luxus brush, under the lence with light

And this is the resoult of the first day... I am verry happy because i see a lot of inproovment from the figures of my first diorama...
THIS IS NOT MENT TO BE A TUTORIAL! I want to show you my tecnic so that you can see wat i am cappable of and you can advice me better and i can inproove...