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Actually those turned out pretty good for ICM figures. I mean I have heard a lot of negative about their figs, but those seem to be nice. Were they a hassle? Or were they pretty easy.
Well, like a lot of eastern company kits, it suffers from sink marks on the thicker areas. Fit was a bit wierd and the breakdown (the places wehre the figure is cut) on the figures is goofy sometimes. For example, instead of seperating at the belt line, it will seperate across the butt. They also require a lot more dry fitting than other kits as the alignment is a bit difficult to figure out.
Overall, they aren't bad figures. Certainly better than some other brands, but they require a bit more work in assembly.
I've actually added some washes to the building of different colors (golds, browns) with oils. Made a bid difference. I'm in the middle of making a master mold of some oild barrels and such right now.