With the arrival Monday, the 5th of June, from Japan, of Takom's M47 E/M, and the standard M47 G, I dug in to check out the kits.
On the M47 E/M, imagine being surprised yet extremely disappointed, that on sprue H, I found the front upper hull plate to be defective and incomplete...which appears to look like the manufacturing process ran out of plastic to fill/finish the mold. The pics obviously show this.
Now I have to begin the process with trying to replace this sprue...knowing how long it's going to take. Takom's web site has been useless for this process so far. Maybe HLJ's return policy will help...who knows. Lessons taken from this? Immediately check your M47 arrivals...I'll betcha I'm not the only one with a defective part.
As far as the 2 M47 kits themselves...well...lets just say so far that I'm NOT quite impressed along the lines of detail/accurateness . But, that's my opinion...open for discussion for another day/thread perhaps.
I'll poke along working the Italeri M47 kits on the bench in the meantime..