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What is the scheme going to be?
I may do this one in a base middle stone with khaki green camo overlay! I have not quite made up my mind on this (I have 6 other camo schemes to choose from)
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What's the story on the doors for this little sweetie Cliff---do you have to completely scratch them or can you cannibalize some kit parts and go from there? Also, will this one have assorted hoses, buckets etc to go along with the rig, or did they keep these things pretty austere?
I am hoping to modify the italeri GMC doors and add a quarterlite vent window to them as well as the local built bodies always had these quarterlites in them. There is still a toolbox to be fitted either side at the rear and they keep all loose equipment in them. Two hoses were stowed either side under the edge of the tank.
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puAre the tank supports, the scratched brass ones, supposed to fall short on the angle iron? I mean should they not be attached solid to the angle iron's piece that touches the frame?
Did you actually have to cut the tank in half or quarters to fix it's shape?
believe it or not ken the brass wire is tight up to the plastic angle. I think it may be just the way the photo was taken that gives the appearance that there is a gap. With the tank the main Italeri water tank body is in 4 pieces. 2-sides, top and back. It was glued togeather without the top and then cut to length. The back was then fitted. The top was filled in by the use of evergreen sheet and filler. Once dry it was turned over and the lip in the bottom was cut off and once again filled by me in the same way. This when dry was placed on the truck and it was decided that it was too oval still and not high enough. So with a razor saw the body was cut horizontally and 5mm added in. This did prove to be about 30thou (1 & 1/2mm) too high but is not really noticeable.
Once again thanks for the comments please keep them coming