# 1 is the non-slip - used elmers glue and baking soda , it tried to peel at the edges so I had to put a rough coat of paint to seal it down
# 2 The grab handle is in the wrong place . It needs to be to the left of the skirt pin
# 3 The lip around the drivers hole is not supposed to be there - dremel to the rescue
# 4 The drive cover plates on lower rear of the hull are not square - it looks like this pic
# 5 The lift rings on the back grill are also missing
# 6 The inside mesh screen on the air intake for the engine is supposed to be canted - not flat
# 7 No nozzle for the bilge pump
There are a few other odd and ends details that I am adding to this kit
The 1st coat of the non-slip
non-slip on the back deck
the drivers hole after the lip has been removed
the fender braces added with resin end connecters
The air intake mesh added and corrected
The drive covers - not quite the right shape - still need some work
Crew step replaced with wire
The back grill
Over view of the hull
Hope this gives some of the guys doing this tank for the Group build some ideas .