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Anyone know what PE, if any, would fit this kit? Lion Roar has something out for the Italeri kit. And resin wheels? DEF Model has them for various kits, but nothing dedicated to ICM.
I would try any PE set made for the L3000. I do this all the time: cross applications of PE to a vehicle, no matter who makes it. Just have to get in to the 'gizmology', and manipulation, of the PE sets. I've never been convinced that any one PE set is specifically made for just 1 brand of vehicle, although they are advertised as such. I use PE that's available for the vehicle, no matter the brand. Granted, a piece or two might not be exact, or prove useless, or under/over sized, but I get around it. Bigger bang for the buck as it goes using PE for the vehicle and not the brand. Take the Tiger I for example...I will use Voyager, and/or Aber, or Eduard , et al, on any brand of the Tiger I. I would attempt the same with multiple makers of PE for the L3000. Works for me...give it a try!!