Since the initial 150- campaign is getting close to its end, I thought about proposing a Mk. II, follow-up campaign.
The rules would stay the same as with the currently running campaign:
No limitation on scale, era or subject.
1. Part count of 150 or less
- AM parts are counted if placed on the vehicle
- scratch-built parts are counted as sensible sub-components (e.g single rivets are not counted but riveted panels as a whole do)
2. Any kind of kit, any scale, any era
3. Partially started kits are not allowed provided the simplicity of such kits
4. Posting your builds in other campaigns IS allowed
5. You must upload an image of the kit before starting as an evidence of its state along with evidence of the date the image was taken on (newspaper of the day, website with the current date, a piece of paper with the date on it, etc)
6. At least two WIP photos (the more, the better) need to be uploaded along with the finished piece appearing in the campaign gallery. Separate building blogs or threads are welcome and encouraged.
7. Definition of a finished model: the model that has been completely assembled and painted (weathering is optional).
As for the time frame, I thought about starting it in July and having it run until the end of the year so, more or less 6 months.
What do you all think?