Not an expert myself but boxart says VT2, and according to wikipedia -which is the fastest checking place although not always the most reliable- the VT-4 is the export version of the ZTZ99
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New Jersey, United States Joined: January 09, 2008
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Reverse masking is the way to go and the voyager Masker Easycutting Jig 2 is the tool. I used this for the digi cam on my ZTZ-99A. Time consuming? Yes. Worth it? Yes. One link to the item:
Florida, United States Joined: November 24, 2012
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FYI there is another AM/PE set for making the Digital camo; its A two (2) set fret and has the cut forms already in the PE. One set is for the larger pattern, and the second is for the smaller pattern. I think they are made in China, and I have not seen them lately on ebay.
mike m. garofolo
British Columbia, Canada Joined: July 16, 2006
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Tony;) Yea--I have seen the Voyager set; But there is another set that I mentioned, I can't remember who made them. If I can find them again, I will post the Info; !!
mike m. garofolo
England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: November 19, 2008
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I have also found the set made by DN Models, so this makes Three set's that can be used for the Digi; camo; There are so many Color schemes for the camo; it makes the color choice very Interesting !
mike m. garofolo
British Columbia, Canada Joined: July 16, 2006
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Mike, I should correctly say the Voyager product is a PE stencil which can be used multiple times. The DN Models (from Bulgaria) is a one time use mask. I found it on ebay. DN Models item #827-032 designed for the ZTZ-99 tanks
Pennsylvania, United States Joined: October 16, 2006
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I went to one of those scrap-booking stores and found small rectangular stickers that make painting digital pretty easy. Paint the base, stick some in the pattern you want, spray the next color, and so on. Just be sure to stick them to your finger a couple times to reduce the tack