The story continues.
To finish the basic structure of the underside of the SSyms, getting it all square is not so difficult.
Make sure seems are scraped off and dry fit the parts before glueing.
Parts for the underside, in this case the U shaped profiles are glued at the ends. On top of the picture you see the cross sections that will help to get it all square.
Cross section dry fitted over the U shaped profiles. Now it's easy to glue them. All is square and pushed to the underside. Fit is just outstanding if you do it this way.
Before glueing the cross section you have to take care of the knock outs and sand them down, so they won't interfere with the sides later in the build.
Next I took care of both fronts of the SSyms and glued the parts to the underside.
Parts you need.
Glued in place. Same goes for the other end.
To continue with sides of the SSyms, some decisions have to be made. Left and right, inside and outside.
Details on the inside that need to be removed are clearly shown in the manual. I drilled out the location points for the brake system handles and wheel, plus put some parts in place.
Then it was time to dry fit the sides. To show where the holes were actually drilled I put some 0.5mm rods.
All dry fitted. Still need to sand the side parts of course.
Position of the wheel.
From left to right: Position of Air release cable - Brake handles. Will come with better descriptions later on.
Put some weight on.
Thats all for now.
More to come later on this weekend.
Kind regards,
Robert Jan