Overall it's excellent. Some observations -- you've gone at length to add chipped paint on many edges- - yet on some areas that would have substantially more wear due to crew hands and feet, are shown as pristine. Consider the upper edge of the turret, the edges of the anti-grenade screen, parts of the gun, the outer edges of the fenders and the outer face of the wheel hubs.
Step back and look at your model and how the crew and environment interact with it. How does the crew exit/enter. What areas would a man actually TOUCH the body? Why has the right edge of the engine access hatch or middle of the nose in front of the driver worn substantially?
What environmental things would impart wear? Running through shrubbery, branches, rocks & pebbles thrown up.
Also two things to note: the mud flaps are either rubber or canvas and the German antennae were not whip-type antennae but instead, hollow tapered rods. No bending should be present on yours. Hope these small details help/enhance and not frustrate you. You've done a great job so far!