Marian and Michael,
Thank you for your comment, you are far to kind. Michael, the wood effect is very easy, light yellow/tan color with acrylic/enamel (really, anything other than oils), let dry, apply a light coat of any umber or sienna, let it sit for five minutes then remove it with a brush or Q-tip. Wax on, wax off, very easy and effective.
Well, I think I am at the finish line with the painting and weathering. Would love to get a couple of decals if someone has the Tasca Jumbo and is planning on one of the 76mm armed tanks I could really us your registration codes for painting and marking option 2!
Here is the finished result.
The other side...
The front and the rear view...
Love photos, they reveal what you gloss right over, like I forgot to paint the taillights! Also, I am not sure about the commander's cupola armored glass; ideas or options anyone?
As far as the AK Real Colors go, the set I have really impressed me. Smooth, easy to work with and clean up. I know my buddy Jon is having an issue with chipping, but I didn't do any, so I can't really weigh in on that, but for straight airbrushing they are top notch. For regular brushing I only used them for small areas, I had no issues but hard to say what the verdict will be on large surfaces. Maybe I'll do a piece of French armor with one of those wild camo schemes next. Always liked the look of the Somua S35!