Finally got to start with the painting of this Jumbo. I have been a bit anxious to try out the new Real Colors but I held off from just painting some test shots hanging around on the bench.
So, here is my assessment after spraying the initial Flat Black RC001. I used this for the shadow areas up underneath the hull and the pre-shading.
I thought I would set it up just like the photos you see in the magazines and on the web sites, just to be a bit snarky!
And the reality...
Anyway, enough of that...
When I first loaded it in my airbrush I had it with a mixture of about 80-20% paint to the thinner. That was a bit to thick for my old worn out brush, an Iwata Eclipse HP-CS, and my even older compressor. All I was getting was a spitting splatter type spray that was clearly not what anyone would want.
I thinned it down even more to about a 50-50% mix and it started to spray quite a bit better. I pushed it even further until I had approximately, a very unscientific approximately by the way, about 25-75% and it really hit it's stride. With the very thin mixture it sprayed as well as anything I have sprayed in a long time. Here you can see the results...

You can see the splatter on the hull sides from my first attempt with the paint to thick. After I adjusted the mix it went MUCH smoother. I was impressed that the paint left no tide marks even when I got a bit thick in places. It dried on the model very quickly but never clogged the tip by drying in the middle of spraying. I did wipe the tip one time after about 20-25 minutes of spraying with a Q-tip and a little of the thinner as a precautionary move. Here is the other photo I took of the other side

I sprayed the side of the turret just to even out the undertone of the Mr. Surfacer that I used to add the cast surface after losing some of it with the sanding of the join between the bottom of the turret shell and the top.
Later today I will lay down some of the RC023 Olive Drab and the RC024 Faded Olive Drab and see how it goes. I will try to start with about a 40-60% paint to thinner mixture. I'll let you know how it goes but the wife does want to put up the Christmas decorations and the 2 year old grandson is coming over to "help"!