What better things to do than catch up on sleep, and paint the Goat.
I started out making my first (but not last) wheel mask. I only had one of those plastic circle things from when my boy was in grade school, but it worked nice enough that I'm going to order a new metal one with more circle size options.
This is not one of the better ones, but once I figured out how to hold the knife I got great results.
Then I had one of those everything went my way moments. I wasn't happy with the Tamiya Olive Green XF-58, so I tossed in a little Tamiya NATO Green XF-67 that lightened it up just enough and gave it a little hint of yellow. PERFECT!!
I thinned that with some 90% Isopropyl alcohol. I usually use 70% and I use the 90 for cleaning my airbrush and paint pot, but I accidentally switched the two. I'm going to use the 90% for now on, it just seemed to spray so much better.
Once I give it a coat of Future it's going to darken a little, and I think that'll make it dead on.
Anyhow I have to work tomorrow night and all weekend, but then I'm off for seven straight days so I'll get a bunch done on this and maybe get the base started on my other dio.
Thanks for looking and have a great year.