I wanted to build an IDF M60 so went and bought the Dragon M60 with ERA for a great price.. then.. I read the horror stories about the hull and gun barrel..
I have ordered the M68 wrapped gun barrel from BNA in Australia and have decided to correct the hull myself.
Please take a look at the pics below and let me know if I have done the correction in a suitable fashion?
I have used plastic card, superglue, Tamiya filler and Mr surfacer 1000 to get here. I now need to add the texture once you guys tell me the shape is OK?

I am aware I need to move the return roller positions to get the hull right.
All advice will be gratefully received.
EDIT!!! You'll see here that I cut away the forward part of the Dragon supplied mess that they call the idler mount. As it turns out the Dragon idler mount is 4mm too far back, so dont do as I have done, rather cut away the rear of the elongated mess and hey presto, you have the correct idler position.
It kinda looks like Dragon began to move the idler forward then realised they would need to remake the front ilder mech/shock mounts and supply slightly longer tracks. I'll bet someone in accounts said, "Hey, stop spending money on correcting this kit and just give the modeller a box of crap"?