Do not waste your money or time on this man or his shop. He is a thief.
If you want to throw money away, give it to charity, don't give it to him.
I placed an order back in 2012, and having ordered before I knew how long they could take.
The money was taken within a day or so. I'm still waiting for my stuff, or a full refund.
Correspondence has all been one way. He's a con-artist. I know I'm not the only one he's ripped of either.
I wouldn't mind so much if the stuff didn't come but he hadn't taken the money... I'd have lost nothing but a few minutes of my time, but he took the money straight away.
For the record, my order is still marked "en attente de livraison" (I just checked...)
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In his defense, I would say the slow speed in which he responds is probably due to outdated methods more than anything else.
This is fairly common in France, certainly where I live. It's no excuse. If it were, all companies operating the same way would have the same reputation, but they don't. It's him. He plays on his "status" as a designer and producer of some interesting stuff, and of course he does fulfill orders placed by some of the more prominent names within the hobby, BUT I'm afraid with all due respect for every post supporting him and excusing him, it improves his chance to gain more victims. Nothing personal you understand.
I genuinely hope I cross paths with him one day...