Takom Panthers and Tigers are good - perhaps VERY good. So are the Panthers and Tigers coming from Meng, Dragon, MiniArt, Rye Field, Hobby Boss, etc.
There are lots of very good kits of these popular subjects, and more come out each month or so. NONE of them is actually in an objective way "perfect", and none actually realistically qualify as the objective "best". All have "goods and bads", all are fundamentally pretty accurate, all miss on some detail or aspect.
Each brand and kit offers buyers something - some matrix of things buyers might look for; quality of molding, refinement of details, presence of features like interiors, link tracks, PE, molded-on zimmerit when appropriate, included options and decal sets, and of course possible price-point. NO kit is likely to meet every requirement or preference of all buyers - perhaps of none!
Pricing is a good point to think about... Most kits are available from multiple on-line sources. Prices vary considerably among these. NO brand or kit is actually always the most expensive in the global market. Takom is not always more costly than Meng, etc. Global shoppers KNOW this.
My suggestion to marketers is to handle more than one brand, and offer kits which may appeal to different segments of the consumer world. Some w/ interiors, some not, some w/ links, some not, some pre-zimm'd, some not. And LISTEN to what customers are saying.
Just my opinions, of course!