These photos are of the completed vignette. The figure is a conversion of a recent Bravo 6 release "Joe - Boonie Rat". Since the unit being depicted did not allow it's Soldiers to cut the sleeves off of their uniforms in 1967, I added sleeves to the arms and used a right arm that is holding a can. I replaced the head with a Hornet head that had hair added to it with Magic Sculpt. I used Magic Sculpt to redo the breast pocket flaps so they look different from the original figures, added some length to the jungle shirt and made a new bottom right pocket, and new pocket flaps on the leg pockets. I replaced the peace medallion with some dog tags and a P-38 can opener on his dog tag chain. I used acrylics to paint the figure and pigments to create the dry mud effect on the uniform. Since my friend who was in the unit depicted mentioned that the brand of beer they received most was Carlin's Black Label, I painted to can to represent that brand. If you look closely at the figure's forearms, you will seen the scratches and scars left by "wait-a-minute" vines from dismounted patrols in the jungle.
For a base, I used Magic Sculpt to create the groundwork and the wedge of a fighting position. I painted these with acrylics and then wanted to experiment with some Vallejo products to create the muddy ground and grass effect as if people had been walking through the area behind the fighting position enough to displace some of the grass and make it part of the muddy mess. On top of the sandbags, I placed a sleeve from a case of c-rations for the Soldier to place his M16 upon to keep it clean, two pop flares (star clusters), a claymore bag full of magazines for the M16, and a pack of cigarettes. There is a portion of a piece of PSP from Masterbox Models included in the sandbags where it was used to support the roof of the position.
Thanks for looking.