To all who replied, thanks.
Steve, I will darken the inside of the barrel more, and I wasn't happy with the tracks either, I'm going to have to keep working on them.
Hollowpoint, thanks for that link. I missread your post Friday night, but having this picture gives me a much better idea on how to paint those rounds.
WeWillHold, I only did one round of dry brushing, I was afraid I'd mess it up if I did too much. I will try your suggestion of doing more and even lighter.
Alpen, I did put one dark wash down, I think with highligting more, as you and WWH suggested, it will bring it out more. I was hoping to have a figure or two in it but didn't get around to it.
Tazz, it really is a pretty nice kit. In fact I'm waiting for a trade to come in so I can start another one, back dated to an early version, for Treadhead's Incoming campaign. The biggest thing about it is where Tamiya might use one part, Italeri will use four or five.
ShermiesRule, yes, I swapped out the tracks. The kit tracks are awful, by far the worst thing about the kit. I stole the duck bill tracks from a Tamiya Jumbo I doubt I'll ever build.
Ken, I totally agree with the rust on the tracks I tried something new. I primed them with a rust colored auto primer before painting them. I wanted some rusth to show through but too much came out. I need to tone them down.