Military figures of all shapes and sizes.
Military figures of all shapes and sizes.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Mario Matijasic
Trying to locate some 1/35 DAK figures


Joined: April 08, 2019
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Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 12:19 AM UTC
Hello everone, I’m brandy new to this forum, and to the hobby in general. I am in search of a few 1/35 DAK figures for my Pz. IV project. I have envisioned a commander reading a map, with his headphones on, and a driver with a hankie covering his face, or something along those lines. I feel like building custom figures is a bit above my skill level, so I am on the hunt for something readily available. I have some photos of what I’m looking for that I found in my searches on the innterwebs, but am not sure how to post them here, I will work on that. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, and I thank you all in advance for for your inpsput!


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Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 12:26 AM UTC
Dragon, Masterbox, Tamiya, Italeri, and ICM all make injection molded DAK troops, as well as a host of other smaller plastic and resin manufacturers. Alpine is the first resin manufacturer that comes to mind for me with figures like what you are seeking. You might look under “1/35 DAK figures or “1/35 Africa Corps figures” in your search, and a bunch will come up. I’m not sure about a handkerchief over the face of a driver figure, but there are plenty of tank commander figures. My favorite is a Masterbox release of a tank crew with Rommel seated on the turret studying a map.
VR, Russ
VR, Russ


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Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 02:14 AM UTC
you might look at Tank resin figures, also Stalingrad and Evolution, these are all resin figures so if price isn't a big deal they might have what you need there is also Soga and First Legion Miniatures has DAK figures never owned one so I'm unsure how good they are.
Regards, Brock
you might look at Tank resin figures, also Stalingrad and Evolution, these are all resin figures so if price isn't a big deal they might have what you need there is also Soga and First Legion Miniatures has DAK figures never owned one so I'm unsure how good they are.
Regards, Brock


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Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 02:32 AM UTC
One thing I do is to go to Ebay,and search 1/35 DAK figures and see what it returns,gives you an idea whats out there.
Can also do the same on Google
Can also do the same on Google
Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 03:07 AM UTC
Here is a DAK tank crew from Verlinden that fits your description:


Joined: April 08, 2019
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Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 10:25 AM UTC
Thank you all for the input, i have done a fair amount of searching for these guys without any results. Thank you Grauwolf, those are the exact figures i have been searching for! I really appreciate all the help! Now i just need to post some pictures of how the Pz. iV is going, and some of the completed scene when its all done! Again, really appreciate the help!


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Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 11:18 AM UTC
Quoted Text
One thing I do is to go to Ebay,and search 1/35 DAK figures and see what it returns,gives you an idea whats out there.
Can also do the same on Google

Ebay is an EXCELLENT source for whatever you may want to buy. There are literally THOUSANDS of Hobby Shops, hobby outlets, and individual people that are selling just what you're looking for. Sometimes you'll even run into guys that just want to thin-out their own collections of un-built models.. Don't go to AMAZON for any hobby stuff; they really don't cater to modelers' wants and/or needs... I'm not too crazy about AMAZON's prices, either...


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Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 12:26 PM UTC
Phillip, welcome to Armorama!
In case you feel like putting a little extra effort into your figures, or just for future reference, you might check out Hornet Heads. They should have the aftermarket tank commander heads w/headphones that you're looking for to enhance your figures. My best source thus far has been Michigan Toy Soldier.
Hope you get the posting hurdle sorted out so you can share your work with us. On that note, let me save you a little grief. You will most likely run out of space quickly using the KitMaker Network for image hosting. My recommendation: Subscribe to imgur. Some of the features are: 'image drag-drop,' manual image sorting,' and a very pleasant interface — generally more user-friendly. IMHO. In addition, there are apps available for iPhone/iPad and Android. HTH.
In case you feel like putting a little extra effort into your figures, or just for future reference, you might check out Hornet Heads. They should have the aftermarket tank commander heads w/headphones that you're looking for to enhance your figures. My best source thus far has been Michigan Toy Soldier.
Hope you get the posting hurdle sorted out so you can share your work with us. On that note, let me save you a little grief. You will most likely run out of space quickly using the KitMaker Network for image hosting. My recommendation: Subscribe to imgur. Some of the features are: 'image drag-drop,' manual image sorting,' and a very pleasant interface — generally more user-friendly. IMHO. In addition, there are apps available for iPhone/iPad and Android. HTH.


Joined: April 08, 2019
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Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 12:10 PM UTC
Thanks, I do use Ebay for most of my modeling needs, but ebay can be funny sometimes, I can search for something every which way and not come up with anything, then google search and it will come right up for sale on ebay. I admit I am not exactly tech savvy, which can be a hinderance from time to time, especially when it come to some things, such posting pics on certain forums for example. Its not that I can’t learn, just mostly that I dont posses much patience for electronic devices. Kind of Ironic because this hobby is a constant test of patience. I would be happy to share some work with some like minded folks who appreciate the craftmanship that goes into a good model. My wife and most of my friends dont seem to share my sentiments when it comes to such things. I look forward to being an active member here, thanks everyone for the warm welcome!


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Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 12:56 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Thanks, I do use Ebay for most of my modeling needs, but ebay can be funny sometimes, I can search for something every which way and not come up with anything, then google search and it will come right up for sale on ebay. I admit I am not exactly tech savvy, which can be a hinderance from time to time, especially when it come to some things, such posting pics on certain forums for example. Its not that I can’t learn, just mostly that I dont posses much patience for electronic devices. Kind of Ironic because this hobby is a constant test of patience. I would be happy to share some work with some like minded folks who appreciate the craftmanship that goes into a good model. My wife and most of my friends dont seem to share my sentiments when it comes to such things. I look forward to being an active member here, thanks everyone for the warm welcome!
On Ebay, it's ALL about the terminology; just try different ways of "entering" your query- For example, instead of entering something "complicated", such as,
"1/35 scale German World War II Wehrmacht 1941-1943 Afrika Korps Panzer Officer Reading Map and Panzer Crewman with "Hankie" Tied Over His Face" Figures, just try,
"1/35 WWII German Figures", or better yet, "1/35 Afrika Korps", and you'll probably have better luck in finding what you need much quicker. The SIMPLER your query, the easier it will be to find. No need to get fancy- You'll stumble upon your needs before you know it, quicker. ONCE you finally get into the "area" where you want to be, you can always "fine-tune" your query a bit more.
In my own process, if I'm looking for PE, resin or multi-media cockpit upgrades for say, a 1/48 TAMIYA P-47D Thunderbolt "Bubble Top" kit, I just enter,
"1/48 TAMIYA P-47", and sure enough, I'll find not only ALL 1/48 TAMIYA P-47s listed on Ebay, but EVERY SINGLE little "widget 'n' digit" that's made specifically for those kits. If I want to zoom in on ONLY Cockpits for that kit, I'll just add the word, "Cockpit" to my query. If I'm STILL not satisfied, I'll enter,
"1/48 P-47 Cockpit" or "1/48 AIRES P-47" or "1/48 EDUARD P-47", or "1/48 VECTOR P-47", and I'll be SURE to find what I want. If I want a set of 1/35 WWII US Army GIs, ETO, 1944, I keep it REALLY simple:
"1/35 WWII US Army Soldiers"- WWII GIs are a LOT easier to find than WWII Germans, simply because the hobby companies make so many more WWII Germans to choose from... (A shrug, and a sigh...)
Again, all it takes is a little bit of "fine-tuning", once get get into the "area" you want to be in...

PS- I can EMPATHYSE with you as far as other people not understanding the plastic model-building hobby. Most people don't. I just look at it this way: These people are much more attuned to the "simple and mundane" things, like watching "the game" on TV, surrounded by sandwiches, cheese dip and nachos, pizzas, chips and munchies and a case of "El-Cheapo Beer". Or, the wives/girlfriends/concubines are gossiping on the "not-so-smart-phone" with their girlfriends... Their loss, not mine...
Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 02:20 PM UTC
This Tristar Panzer crew fits the bill too.


Joined: May 02, 2013
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Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 08:24 PM UTC
Quoted Text
This Tristar Panzer crew fits the bill too.
The 1/35 TRISTAR Tropical Panzer Crew may be a little bit harder to find, but since Jeff just provided you a complete description with an Ebay Item number, that's an EXCELLENT suggestion!!!

If it were me, I would just enter,
"1/35 TRISTAR Tropical Panzer Crew"
A simple query would in all likelihood take you right to the Ebay listing which Jeff so kindly suggested for you...


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Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 11:40 PM UTC
This is my favorit DAK set
Not sure who the supplier is,but it is available anywhere
Not sure who the supplier is,but it is available anywhere


Joined: April 08, 2019
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Posted: Friday, April 26, 2019 - 12:03 AM UTC
Quoted Text
PS- I can EMPATHYSE with you as far as other people not understanding the plastic model-building hobby. Most people don't. I just look at it this way: These people are much more attuned to the "simple and mundane" things, like watching "the game" on TV, surrounded by sandwiches, cheese dip and nachos, pizzas, chips and munchies and a case of "El-Cheapo Beer". Or, the wives/girlfriends/concubines are gossiping on the "not-so-smart-phone" with their girlfriends... Their loss, not mine...
This is a very true statement in every way. At the end of the day, my wife and I would watch television far a couple hours to unwind before bed. I started building as a way to escape the brain rot of television at night. This hobby keeps the brain working, thinking, and problem solving, much more productive than staring at the tube like a zombie.
I ordered the Verlinden set right away, they were just what i was hunting down.


Joined: April 08, 2019
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Posted: Friday, April 26, 2019 - 12:12 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Phillip, welcome to Armorama!
In case you feel like putting a little extra effort into your figures, or just for future reference, you might check out Hornet Heads. They should have the aftermarket tank commander heads w/headphones that you're looking for to enhance your figures. My best source thus far has been Michigan Toy Soldier.
Hope you get the posting hurdle sorted out so you can share your work with us. On that note, let me save you a little grief. You will most likely run out of space quickly using the KitMaker Network for image hosting. My recommendation: Subscribe to imgur. Some of the features are: 'image drag-drop,' manual image sorting,' and a very pleasant interface — generally more user-friendly. IMHO. In addition, there are apps available for iPhone/iPad and Android. HTH.
I will give imgur a try for photos, although, I’m not exactly sure how it works with images posted here, but I guess I will figure it aout with enough fiddling. Now in hindsight, I wish I was less resistant to the technological revolution. The only problem with being a dinosaur, is theres no future in it!
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