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Posted: Friday, August 16, 2019 - 03:50 PM UTC
Thanks Greg. Threw some decals on the other night,

I was thinking of only doing the 18t and CCCP decal to keep it historically ambiguous, but I liked the decals so much I just kept going with them and matched one of the finish options from the kit. Got a pin wash on the kit and started some dot filtering, I'll get some pictures of that soon.
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Posted: Saturday, August 17, 2019 - 03:49 AM UTC
Are you going to build a superstructure around the AA gun still?
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Posted: Saturday, August 17, 2019 - 04:24 AM UTC
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Are you going to build a superstructure around the AA gun still?
Yea, made a start on it, but will have to start over. Made an alignment error, but I'm not too far along so it's no big deal. The quad Maxim hasn't been attached, it's just sitting there for now.
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Posted: Saturday, August 17, 2019 - 04:47 AM UTC
I can’t wait to see the outcome of that piece !
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Posted: Sunday, August 18, 2019 - 06:57 AM UTC
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I can’t wait to see the outcome of that piece !
I'm looking forward to it to. Should be a pretty cool looking, and as far as I know, a first for 1/35 scale
Finished up the flatcar. May do some pigments to the bed, but I think I'll wait until I have the maxim enclosure in place.

Next, I can start weathering the MBV-2, or finish up the pigments on the railbed, or start work on the Maxim enclosure.
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Posted: Friday, August 23, 2019 - 10:19 AM UTC
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Posted: Friday, August 23, 2019 - 12:07 PM UTC
That looks amazing, can’t wait to see the finished product
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Posted: Monday, September 02, 2019 - 11:17 AM UTC
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That looks amazing, can’t wait to see the finished product
Thanks Greg. More progress made today after a busy weekend.

It's almost done. Only thing left is the armored roof. Some things are a little out of square, I think that's what is really the most difficult part of scratchbuilding, but I'm getting better. Those hinges may be a bit undersized, but I found them in the spare photo-etch pile and figured they'd look better than any scratch attempt I'd manage.
Next up, the roof, and then painting. Got an easy work week coming up so I should be able to make some progress.
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Posted: Monday, September 02, 2019 - 12:08 PM UTC
It’s really coming along beautifully. This is gonna be a great piece when it’s finished !
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Posted: Sunday, October 06, 2019 - 12:31 AM UTC
Woke up this morning with some good news in my email. MiniArt's releasing a separate kit of the quad Maxim. Took a gander through the instructions, looks like it has all the detail that the HobbyBoss one is missing, and then some. Once I can get my hands on the kit I'll swap out the HobbyBoss one. Also gives me an excuse to take time off from this project to work on other kits in the meantime.
But the most interesting part of all was this,

Those are the same exact markings I used on mine... I've seen no images of a quad maxim even on one of these flat cars, let alone that one specifically. Maybe MiniArt is watching these threads, and maybe they'll make a kit of the enclosure (or maybe some Soviet armored trains, hint hint). Or it's all just one big coincidence.
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Posted: Monday, October 07, 2019 - 01:21 AM UTC
DJ Judge
"Tanker Boots do not a Tanker Make."
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Posted: Tuesday, October 08, 2019 - 08:43 AM UTC
Thanks DJ. Probably gonna take a break on this build for a bit. I want to try out and get better at some techniques before I carry on weathering the MBV-2, and gonna wait for that Maxim kit
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Posted: Sunday, December 22, 2019 - 03:29 PM UTC
I'm back! Taking a long vacation this holiday season, and now that I'm about done building my built-in bookcase for my library, it's back to modeling.
Finished building the enclosure for the Maxim tonight

And here it is setup on the flatcar

Haven't gotten around to buying MiniArt's quad Maxim so the one in the pics is still due to be replaced. I had some weathering misadventures with the MBV-2, which meant repainting. Hate redoing work, but that's over now. Just needs a pin wash, some filters, shading with oils and then a dust coat. The base is almost done too, just needs some touch up painting.
Tomorrow I think I'll get a coat of paint on the Maxim enclosure, can't wait to see how it looks painted. That'll be it until after the holidays for me.
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Posted: Sunday, December 29, 2019 - 04:17 AM UTC
Painted and chipped the enclosure,

Once that fully dries it'll be time for a gloss coat and some weathering.
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Posted: Sunday, December 29, 2019 - 05:08 AM UTC
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Painted and chipped the enclosure,

Once that fully dries it'll be time for a gloss coat and some weathering.
This is coming out real great. It’s exciting to see it’s all come together James!
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Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 04:05 AM UTC
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This is coming out real great. It’s exciting to see it’s all come together James!
Thanks Greg, it's been a slow process, but it's getting there.
Calling it done with the SPU-BP anti-air railcar. Never swapped out the quad Maxim with the one from MiniArt, but it may happen one day. For now it stays as is.

That's all for now. On to finishing the MBV-2. Needs some more work with oils, a matte coat, and then a thin dust layer and it should be all set.
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Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 06:26 AM UTC
Wow that’s a beaut that looks amazing! I can’t wait to see the whole diorama once you’re done ! Are you going to add any figures with it?
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Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 09:51 AM UTC
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Wow that’s a beaut that looks amazing! I can’t wait to see the whole diorama once you’re done ! Are you going to add any figures with it?
Thanks again Greg. No figures planned for this one. I've only tried my hand at figure painting once a few years ago, I would need more practice first. A skill I want to learn someday though. Dio is almost complete, might be done by the end of this week depending on my motivation and work schedule.
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Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 11:32 AM UTC
Well it’s going to look awesome once it’s all together!
Joined: March 05, 2004
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Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 12:00 PM UTC
Excellent scratch building.
i watched a scale plastic figure crawl along the edge . . . of an exacto blade . . . that's my dream , it's my nightmare . . . . . . . crawling , slithering . . . . . along the edge . . . . . . of an exacto . . . . . blade . . . . and surviving
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Posted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 12:32 PM UTC
Thanks boys.
Got a matte coat on and couldn't help but put everything in place and see how it looks.

All it needs now are some pigments around the MG barrels, and the clear lenses for the lights. I'll my hand at getting some proper photos when that's done. The size of this thing makes it a challenge though.
The MBV-2 actually had to get repainted back in December, don't think I posted about that. Made an ugly mistake with filters, tried to repaint the offending area, stood out like a sore thumb. So I went ahead and repainted the whole thing. Lost the color modulation in the process. For weathering I kept it simple, pin wash, chipping, oil shading and then a light dusting with thinned acrylics along the lower parts.
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Posted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 01:13 PM UTC
This turned out great! I love it
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Posted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 01:43 PM UTC
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Posted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 04:14 PM UTC
I really like the modulation you used for the MBV color. It really does go from dark to light in certain areas, it’s catches my eye, you have me wanting to finish a build i started long ago.