Big box

And here's what's inside

A shot of the upper hull

Getting started, the instructions have you tackle the bogie assemblies first. Step 1 has you do the three axle bogie.

Which builds up nicely

Step 2 has you build the drive wheels

So far so good. Nice big parts. Fit is good. It looks to be a simple build for such a massive kit. The only downside I see so far is that, while there is a quad maxim mount included, there is no interior detail, so it doesn't make sense to show it off. I'm going to build mine buttoned up, but there are interior photos from a surviving example on the web for those that want to scratchbuild.
This kit will be challenging to paint, simple because it's so big and just plain green. So I'll be experimenting with color modulation on this one, and it'll probably need a few filters too. I'm also going to ditch the supplied track and use some of MiniArt's track to display this on. And a big maybe here, but I might throw MiniArt's 18t flatcar into the mix, but we'll see.