Yes, my thoughts too - I just wish I could have uploaded a PDF file for all you to have - would have then given you searchable text.
The truth is that as my project evolves, I generally go back and modify my notes and deciphering all that in a forum thread can be challenging for readers, and a lengthy process for me to post report modified topics and changes.
So, posting my notes, which are dated, lets you get the "latest" version and dispose of the earlier versions.
One thing. I am now starting to wonder if a better premise might be to modify 1/35th scale kits to just fit the 1/32 scale track? In the vast scheme of things - how much will 3mm more in track gauge make? Then just use 1/32 track. see, I am starting to find there is a lot of used, 1/32 track out there to be had at some reasonable prices - since I am looking at a shelf to moderate switching type layout.....
This is something I will ponder more on.