Gee guys, I don't know where to start

First of all: @ Pjotr: thanks!
@Brenton: Thank you for the compliments. I made up dozens of small stories in my head over time. Every time I got new figures I tried to make a small story around them.
Some come on the dio as in my head, others... not so much. I tried to convey the fact that every person has his/her own story, yet end up at the same place, having a common (intermediate) purpose: take that train.
Where to? They only know themselves... That makes a dio interesting to watch at.
@Tim: I thought it was a thunderstorm but apparently was wrong

The number of hours? I really don't know. I have been at a stand still for about 10 years. The locomotive was finished more than a year ago, after which I turned my attention to the station.
In due time I collected quite some figures, at the beginning mostly resin (no plastic available at that time), yet recently more and more plastic figures came available. I started painting them in march, and only finished yesterday.
Regarding the woman with all, the luggage (from Stalingrad) I pictured the following story: a lone woman, on a long journey. She obviously left her home behind her, since she carries all of her belongings with her. Evicted? Bombed? The temperature is going to be pleasant, yet she wears as much of her bulky clothes, so they need no space in the tattered luggage, causing her to sweat and turn red. She finally arrives on the station, where she can put everything down till her train arrives....
You mean the guy with the grey suit and hat? You are lucky then, since that one is still available: are quite some figures which are not readily available any more...
I actually used only 1 Preiser figure, which is the nurse... The rest (which are soldiers) are still on their sprues, waiting for better times.
The tram passengers are available as a separate set too. She is not the prettiest fruit on the tree now, is she? I slightly modified the sitting lady, by using Tamiya white putty to make a fur collar (painting it like a fox).
@Gary: the pleasure is completely mine!
@Jack: Thank you for the compliments. Really appreciated. I might try my hand at this tonight, and will post them here...