Oregon, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 07:44 AM UTC
While Tamiya's 1/16 Tiger 1 is an awesome model it still has real-life concessions made in order to R/C the thing. An accurate display model demands these R/C 'issues' be addressed. The biggest problem is the bottom of the hull. To keep manufacturing costs 'in check' Tamiya has opted to provide unsightly protruding screw-heads for securing the internal suspension components. This makes for an ugly and inaccurate hull bottom.
In lieu of accepting Tamiya's protruding screw-head method I have countersunk the hole locations and replaced the provided hardware with flat-head screws. These screw-heads will be filled-in with JB weld while the gap between the hull and chassis pan will be filled with Milliput or polyester auto-body putty. With the most serious concession to radio-control rectified the business of scale modeling can now proceed.
Cody Grayland
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 07:52 AM UTC
God I wish I had the cash to try one of tese things! You're a lucky guy!
California, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 07:58 AM UTC
Go Cody! Thanks for sharing the project with us - I'm looking forward to following your treatment of this big old Kitty!
Museum Associate Curator, Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (MVTF), Portola Valley, California
GunTruck Studios
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England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 08:14 AM UTC
Save your money ,nice model to build but when you have built it painted it chased the kids round the garden the novelty soon wears off.
Ohio, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 08:40 AM UTC
Hi, Tamiya at one time had out the 'static' version of this kit, and it was supposed to be several hundred dollars cheaper than the R/C unit. In fact, I was talking to the guy at the local model shop just today about it, and he said that it particular kit isn't listed in the 2004 Tamiya catalog, but both of the King Tigers in 1/16 scale are (for static only). Really too bad. I would sure love to be able to talk the boss into one of these things.
I wonder if Aber is going to bring out a super detail kit for the King Tigers like they did for the Tiger I beasty. That would be real nice of them wouldn't it?
Sure do wish that Tamiy would bring back there one 1/25 scale Tiger kit that was made back in the '70s. and have it updated to today's standards as far as injection molding goes. Of course, while there were at it they could also re-release the old 1/25 British Chieftan AFV as well.
Maybe if this Trumpeter 1/16 scale T-34 series is as well molded and detailed as their K5 kit, this will spure on Tamiya to go back and do these other older, bigger kits again. We can always wish anyway.
Good luck there and keep us posted as to how it's coming along.
Take care, Sgirty
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 09:18 AM UTC
Hey guys,
Squadron sells the 'Display-Only' Tiger 1 for $300 and that is where I procured my kit. From what has been stated the inventory of this item may be limited and Tamiya does not list the kit in the current catalog. The Tiger 1is listed at the $300 price in both the Squadron annual catalog and the monthly 'sale' supplements so get one of these big bad boys while you can. I also acquired from Squadron the entire Aber set save the interior hatches for another $125. That's $425 for the thing so far. Hmmm...it's a darn good thing we like scale models.
It's good to be back at armor after the hiatus. Car models are fun but they can't fight back.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 11:19 AM UTC
i do not think the novelty wears off,if u can buy on of these(i have the tiger 1,pershing)i just love to look at thgese big tanks,if i get tired of it,,i stop running it for a few days,weeks then the excitement comes back!!
Metro Manila, Philippines
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 09:24 PM UTC
I wish I had that monster!!

I'll wait till it's finished. Nice working so far. Will you build this thing OOB?
--==Shonen Red==--
-=Filipino Modeler=-
Oklahoma, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 11:59 PM UTC
Nice start Cody.
I too will keep an eye on this as I have the sucker sitting on the floor waiting for the Motivation to build it.
Maybe the new Trumpeter T/34 first. (++)
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 11, 2004 - 05:51 AM UTC
http://www.etamiya.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=1270 Do I get a medal for finding the cheapest tiger now?

eTamiya.com has a few inexpensive 1/16th's
"Horror has a face, and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and mortal terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies" - Colonel Kurtz Apocalypse Now
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 12, 2004 - 07:19 AM UTC
Hey Guys,
You may want to check into
www.backyardarmor.com and see their prices for the Tamiya 1/16 RC tanks. Their prices are pretty low

Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 12, 2004 - 01:03 PM UTC
Nice kit for sure, it would need a lot of work if you don't want it RC'd. I have all 7 1/16th Tamiya tanks and the 8th one is on it's way. Unfortunatley I like mine RC'd. :-)
Talal Chouman
To me scale modeling is a passion.
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 17, 2004 - 12:18 PM UTC
Cleared the shop of customer work for a bit and can get back to this enormous kitty-kat...just knocked out this fitting and cover plate which, for comparison, is pictured alongside the kit piece. While Tamiya's part is actually perfectly acceptable I really prefer the appearance of separate parts and considering the scope of this project as many separate pieces as possible is mandatory.
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 17, 2004 - 12:20 PM UTC
...still gettin' the hang of this posting/editing thing.

As you see here separate pieces provides a 'crispness' only possible with separate pieces.
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 17, 2004 - 12:25 PM UTC
Here's my workshop where all the little gooh-gahs and whoop-tee-doos are created. I have been an aerospace prototype machinist for 30 years and have been producing patterns and product for the scale model industry for the last 12 years.
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Saturday, April 17, 2004 - 12:28 PM UTC
This image posting thing is trying...
Oklahoma, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2004 - 12:39 AM UTC
Quoted Text
This image posting thing is trying...
Drool drool
That is one fine shop Cody.
drool a little more.
Better watch my keyboard or it will get wet better then some Women photos,Nice setup
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2004 - 12:38 PM UTC
Made the fire extinguisher this afternoon...here are pics for comparison. The main body is comprised of 2 brass pieces sweat-soldered together with a separate aluminum post and nut which will be glue into the brass body.
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 25, 2004 - 05:21 AM UTC
Made the bodies for the smoke grenade launchers and caps for the turret lifts(Tamiya #33) - shown here compared with the kit parts. Launchers still require the 'innards' - make those today.
Virginia, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 25, 2004 - 06:19 AM UTC
i had a tamiya catalog, its around here somewhere and it priced the tiger 1 at $700.00 but if i could ever pull that much money of of my butt, i'd think about buying one of those, just cuz i could hand paint it with a paint roller! :-) :-)
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 25, 2004 - 11:52 AM UTC
Having replaced the round-head screws with countersunk flat-head hardware, filled the various depressions and primed the lot the bottom of the hull is nearly ready to detail. The gap between the hull sides and aluminum chassis has yet to be addressed.
The igniters inside the smoke grenade launchers have also been finished...
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 - 05:37 AM UTC
Hello Cody,
I must say you are on the road to creating a truly magnificent Tiger. An absolutely beautiful job you have done so far on the replacement pieces you have milled.
Was wondering if you would create extra's for some of us to buy?
I could easily name off dozen's of people in the Tamiya R/C Tank community that would love to replace their plastic parts with the fantastic metal pieces you are creating.
If your interested, drop me a PM.
Either way, am looking forward to your next creation for the Tiger.
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 12:27 PM UTC
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 09:58 AM UTC
Working on the mantlet this weekend...the small holes in the sides of the barrel base will receive small slotted-head screws which I am making in the shop right now. A kit piece is shown for comparison. Milliput 'faux weld' will be applied to the junction of the aluminum barrel base and plastic mantlet as the real thing had an enormous weld in that location.
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 06:06 AM UTC
Exceptional work Cody, the amount of detail you are putting into this fine model is outstanding, I especially love the fact that you have added the slotted head screw detail to the barrel base.
Might I ask what variant of the Tiger I you are building?
Keep up the excellent work.