All well made plans break down upon first contact and here is no exception.
The Glaswigians hit part of the sector defended by the 12SS Pioniere Abt,which is the HJ engineer Batallion. This specialized unit has been put in the front line because of manpower shortages and thus uses its' talents to build obstacles with mines and wire all along its' sector,while doing the same for the rest of the division as well.
Morning mist,smoke and drifting cordite vapors intermittently obscure the soldiers' view as they move forward,mingling with the acrid smell of explosives and wet crops from recent rain.
In the distance,the line of trees comes into view across the open farmland that still exists in this part of Normandy. The barrage has moved past the road and the village of Cheux to the south begins to burn from the effects of the tremendous barrage.
German artillery comes to life in the form of 105mm self propelled artillery located to the south of Cheux. Surviving mortars add to the mix after the crews piece together working tubes.
The supporting armor moves forward on the flanks,but draws fire.
Many tanks hit the engineers tellermines.
The assaulting Batallions bring their supporting mortars to bear and have the anti tank platoons ready for the expected German counterattack. But the German tanks were drawn off to the west around Ruarey,to launch the attack there as a measure against the gains made by the British during "Martlet" the previous day and so initially no German armor makes an appearance.
The Scots continue the advance but the resistance has slowed them down and the barrage is moving away too fast now. Have to catch up lads !
Bloody hell,wot's that over there ! TO THE RIGHT !
We must have moved past them ! Sniper ! Bills's been hit !
The Commenwealth soldiers tended to call every German rifleman a sniper but this was just defensive fire from the thin surviving line of foxholes,having been bypassed during the barrage.
The Bren is put up and gets suppressive fire under way.
Looks like it came from over there mate!
Get'em Ben !
Directly behind the lines,rear echelon is guarding the increasing haul of POWs from the HJ.
More coming in mates !
Obersturmfuehrer Paul Karet leads part of his engineer company into captivity. They have been disarmed and searched near their holes,where they were captured. The 12SS engineer Bn basically ceased to exist after the first day of Epsom.
More of his men bring up the rear,also included are members of the 1/26 PzGren Regt.
Also taking place in the rear is the arrival of the first wounded.
Always a cheerful face for the folks back home though.
At least they get to ride on the way back ! Nicely tagged for follow-on care.
Drop this lot off and return for more. Carrier from the Royal Scots helps out.
The advance continues but the by passed positions have to be eliminated.
Some kids in their holes are killed outright by concussion from the artillery.
while some are captured while still taking cover from the barrage
Some are shot down trying to pull back.
Whilst others are buried by naval artillery or having their positions crushed by tanks. This kid managed to fire off his one panzerfaust before finding a soldiers' grave.
The morning of Epsom was an epic battle but it was not over yet. far.
The Mephisto Waltz involving the Hitlerjugend and Scotsmen had still to run its' course.
Stay tuned for episode 5-Clearing St Manvieu
Thanks for tuning in,