French Lend-Lease Leclerc II MBT - Royal Mali Army.... I had picked up the Tamiya Leclerc II a while back for a song & dance from I wanted to build it in a desert/African motif and thought why wouldn't Mali "borrow" some from the French serving there for anti-terrorist ops. I painted the model in a sand, brown and faded olive green (some of the camo "disappeared in my weathering experiments…) Mali had minimal markings on their vehicles but I found Green Stars to be standard, so I went with it. Minimal additions - added straps to the fuel tanks, plus some fuel lines, some random gear and a camo net in the turret bustle rack. Weathering includes a dark wash (AMMO of Mig) some pastel dirt deposits, (tracks, lower hull) final overspray of Tamiya Buff for arid African dust.
Just a fun project to pass the time while home under NY State "Stay Home - Stay Safe" directives.
North Carolina, United States Joined: November 22, 2018
KitMaker: 18 posts
Armorama: 18 posts
My last color of camo was a light olive green. When I did a filter it toned it down a lot and I didn't realize it until I did the final wash. You can see it in person but photo doesn't pick it up very well. The olive is running alongside the brown tone.