Thaks for the comments, guys. Let me try to answer a few questions.
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Where did you get the spare ammo tubes?
They are spares I had from an Academy Achilles kit that I have parted out to make other models. They are the same ammo tubes found in all the Academy M10 kits -- so they were allegedly 3-inch ammo tubes. I had to cut them down a bit to make them fit, but I thought they looked right and saved me a lot of scratch-building. Ave: the non-tubed ready rounds are the ones that come in the Priest kit.
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The only nits are the area near the top of the 50 copula where the small decals area looks so clean compared to the rest of the front end, might want to dust/tone down that a bit. The crate on front hull would also probably have some mud/dust spattered on it.
Steve: I'm still in the process of pulling the dust up on the hull and stowage, as well as onto the tracks. The mud and dust is an old technique of mine using a mix of plaster of paris tinted with acrylic paint. When the plaster was dry, I worked it with some pastels and some oil washes to make it look "wetter" on the bottom and "dryer and dustier" on the top. This is all kind of a tricky process that folks may want to try first on a scrap model. Once it's all dry, I work it with a toothbrush and some smaller stiff brushes.
The markings are all Archer or Verlinden transfers.
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I can't tell for sure from the pics, but the breech area of the 105 could be steeled also
It's "steeled" with graphite powder. It never seems to look right in pics, but in person it looks good to me.