Wonderful... as a fellow lover of the "big and grand diorama", I think this is great! Lots of interesting "angles and view", meaning people could look at this for a long time to see everything you offer.
I don't know what your story is geared towards, but from a purely "architectural" standpoint, here are POSSIBLE (not necessarily expected) suggestions:
TREE & FOLLIAGE: - since you are looking at a FALL color, might I suggest you add some yellows and oranges to some of the tree's leaves? There is a nice assortment of colored leaves around the tree on the ground, yet the tree is just red.... A small brush with some good flat acryllic should do the trick. Same thing for the tree bark - perhaps some overbrushing with ight greys to show age and bring out the texture.
Also, what about some flowers (colored lichen) around the base of the warhorse statue? Using stained bristles from an old brush could also provide you with some weeds in the park near the statue.
STREET -This is one that is a little more obvious, but a common mistake.... this town hsa obviously had some major shelling from artillary, tanks, or howitzers..... so all the artillary shells hit buildings only? Perhaps a few mortar shells might have fallen short and landed in the street. A few loose cobblestones might be appropriate, and quite easy to do. Same could go for the sidewalk or the park area? Look at the road in the end battle scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" ... similar building damage, but the roadway shows quite a bit of damage as well.
GENERAL - I do think you have to make a timeline decision on the "state of battle"...is the battle taking place NOW (Present ) or is this the afterman of action from earlier in the week?(Past). Is this a story about a city that is experiencing house-to-house fighting in the present, or was the battle weeks ago, and now patrols are moving out? If it is the former, then I would expect to see a LOT more debris in the streets and in the park. Right now it looks like a bulldozer has come through and pushed the rubble to the edge of the road... which means you should probably also have some accumulation heaps of rubble on the sidewalk or the park area. Either way, I would expect to see a LOT more debris, especially some large sized chunks.
I would also suggest some hanging and dangling power lines and telephone cables... these were often in heavy concentrations near street intersections in the towns and villages. Of course, this would also entail some power line insulators on the buildings, and perhaps a street light or telephone poles.
None of these are criticisms... I take it that you are in the concept stage at this point, and are just looking for some ideas, right?