Wow (as usual). It's UOM time for you in my opinion. There are just so many things on this little scene that are so well done, i.e. the fig, crew storage (especially the ruck sacks and crate), canvas hood on the mantlet, and the little base scenery---all just top shelf.
Only question I would have would be concerning the road wheels. Are they rubber rimmed? - if so should they show some black underneath the weathering? --- I don't know the answer Frank, I'm just asking here
The only other thing I might suggest for you consideration would be one more thinned dark pin wash around the fender/sand guards and brackets to make them visually pop a little more, (maybe on the molded on brackets near the turret top edge also).
Another gorgeous piece from your modeling bench Frank. We'll probably never meet in this life, but in the next can you try to bring these beauties with ya???
Congrats on a super build.
ps: what paint color are you using on the rucksacks hanging off the turret -- they look great!