Since all the business from school is finally finished I could get myself to modeling again and I started off by doing several projects of wich one was finally finishing my Airborne Jeep by Adding all the Decals and plates etc. But that is not what I want to show you today.
Today I want to show you all a little progress I made on the 37mm PAK35 I`m doing for incoming..
First to refresh minds here is a little flashback of what this project was all about.
InComing: FAUSTS not so Sneak Preview
Then today I started to paint the thing at this moment I have done both his wheels the base of the gun and the Gunshield... Ok Now from the last item I have 2 pictures. And I want opinions now.. The gun has been in the ground for 55 Years and it finally comes out. I gave the shield a healthy threatment of MIG pigments (They are a dream) and rusted the thing up
I want your opinions if it is good enough... Need it to be darker or lighter?? Etc. etc.... I`m not adding more damage by the way simply because I want a second dio where the gun is restored etc. etc.
Well here are the pics:

Ok This was it for today Am I things missing are there things you see?? if you have things to say.... Just tell me
More pics can be found here