After a 4 month hiatus I’ve finally got round to doing some more work on my first diorama.
I originally planned the figures to facing direction that the front of the Univ Carrier is facing but due to problems with one of the figures I’ve changed the focus of the dio to ‘something’ thru the church window.
Since starting I purchased a Churchill croc and decided to use these figures also but I’m not sure if its looking a bit crowded and also if Ive used too many shades of green for the uniforms. (I’d just got some oils so was messing about a bit in the early stages).
There’s still a bit of work to do however in the meantime I’d like some comments if possible on overall ‘composition’, does it work, whats missing, etc, etc.
Thanks in anticipation.
Other pics can be found in my gallery under “Univ Dio Part 2”, that is assuming Ive uploaded the picture on the forum!!