Thanks Larry for your nice comment.
I putted the mesh screen inside the ventilator, and I'm neither sure if this is correct, but I liked it this way!
This was the first camo-scheme I did, so I made-up a "technique" of painting....and I'm quite pleased with the result!
In a nutshell it goes like this:
1. First apply the base coat.
2. apply the camo colors, and be sure to "tap" the edges carefully with arather stiff brush, so the edges look a bit blurry.
3. when dried, mix the three camo colors with a little bit of the lightest grey, to give 'em that weathrered look, and also with these lightened colors, I drybrushed extensively all the edges, so you immitate the spray on look!
4. when dried apply an filter of heavily dilluted Matt Dark Earth, to blend in all the colors.
5. Here and there a wash of Burnt sienna and Raw Umber oils.
6. finally drybrush in several light earth tones to give that dusty effect!!
My two cents, hope it helped a bit....John.