The Pershing has been done for a month or so, and the base has just been completed. It is supposed to represent a Pershing pulled up to a rise near a road for protection, while scanning the terrain for enemy activity. I tried to curve the base a tad under the tread to show the moving suspension on the Pershing –(didn’t really have the effect I had hoped for however).
The road sign is the method used to fulfill the Campaign requirement, where the “28” is supposed to represent the kilometers to the town of Hold Offen, (a fictitious name). As a tribute to some fellow DSB buddies, i.e. TurretToad, General Zod, and Tank Carl, fictitious city names of Zodfurt, Toadheim, and Karlster have been included as road signs, (just for fun).
This was a fun campaign, and the kit is a sweet build, that just falls together with minimal clean-up, and sharp tight part fit. It’s a must build for any U.S. armor fan.
Comments are appreciated.
This pic does not show it well, but the earth berm in front of the Pershing is just about hull height.

A pic to show the movable suspension -- the tracks should probably be sunk into the earth a tad.

A small tribute to some of the great people I have met here on the site.