Let me try...
-Sanitätskasten = something like "medic pacage" or so
-Sauerstoffbehandlungsgerät = machine to give oxygen to somenone
-Verbandeimer = bucket for (used) bandages
-Oel/Öl = Oil
-Speisebehälter = container for food
-Netzgerät = dunno how to say that: eg. if you have a 230 Volts Power source but the machine you want to run only needs 16 Volts you`ll need a "Netzgerät" ...
-Tabletten = Pills
-Watte = cotton wool
-Kasten = case or container
-oben = up or above
-Gebirgs San Kasten = Medic package for mountain-troopers
(the rest is written too small just write it here and I can translate it, too)
have fun with those decals