Herchealer in a former post entitled New Campaign suggested a campaign named Quiet Professionals. In reading the last line in Jeremy’s post “Any one interested please speak up” I expected an ‘Incoming’ type response. I waited for the flood, nothing happened, a small trickle started waned and stopped.
Yes, I know the dates are screwy. I’m sure Jeremy and our Illustrious Leader / s (insert appropriate kneeling figure here

With Jeremy’s permission I would like to open a dialog / debate on this campaign.
Almost every Military in existence today has them, Special Forces! These guys use just about any and every weapon we can think about, plus are clothed in just about anything from Jeans and trainers to Guille suits (check out : http://www.usspecialarmycadets.com/guille.html for some info).
Except for the obvious US SFs these also spring to mind:
Pararescue forces
Combat controllers
Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR)
English riflemen in the 18th / 19th century (Help me out here guys.)
Except for SF I believe that daring raids etc should also be included. Quoted from USAF Special Operations the ‘Carpetbaggers’:
“In one operation, a stripped-down C-47 smuggled a captured German V2 rocket out of Sweden for examination.”
Also “When General Patton's drive into Germany stalled (His tank drive was so effective it ran ahead of the supply chain and they ran out of gas and had to stop) the Carpetbaggers modified their bombers-turned-cargo planes into flying fuel trucks, with the capacity to carry 2,500 gallons of non-aviation fuel each flight. All told, they airlifted almost a million gallons of fuel to Patton's gas-starved tanks and allowed them to resume their drive to Germany.”
This is one I would also like included non-military special forces , as not only the military have special forces, a few spring to mind.
CIA, MI5 etc. operatives (007 and all the boys

GSG9 (Yes, they are actually part of the Border Guards / Police)
Smoke Jumpers
Russian Riot Police (sorry don’t know their correct designation)
For the reason that there are few OOTB SF models and that converting and scratch building would almost certainly be the order of the day, I would also like to see this campaign run until the end of 2005 (if possible). That would also see less pressure on the participants.
In the Campaign description Jeremy (Herchealer) expresses the following:
Quoted Text
So anybody up for building a Dumvee, ASDS, DPV, RIB, AIFV (BMD-3), Pave lows, Perentie (Brits / Aussies?), AH-6 / MH-6 or J version, Cockleshells (anyone?) or Mi-24 dropping off Spetsnaz, Raid on Entebbe, Hummer in ‘the Mog’, Sniper team in OIF?
If you don’t like any of the suggestions etc… Suggest an alternative.