For your ? on the Tiger 100 side-turret bin... go here; advised that it's in Spanish. Even babelfished, it's a tough read.
Scroll down and you'll come across the color profile of Tiger 100 showing the side-mounted custom bin with the rounded edges.
Below that is the B&W pic of same, also notice the Mamut on the turret rear.
Directly below that pic is a line drawing of the custom bin taken from a Japanese Groundpower issue. Looks to me like it's almost the height of the turret sides, flush with the turret roof, kinda shallow, and has two straps on each end to affix to the turret sides...
Below the bin drawing is a pic of the other side of Tiger 100 - notice the empty bin brackets on the other turret side.... You'll need to do 2 of these bins, one for each side. (But at least you cover the holes in the turret walls that RoG kindly gave us to fill!)
As you were scolling the site, you'll notice the Japanese captioned drawing of the various other bins possible on the early Leningrad Tigers - PzIII, PzIV, basic Tiger bin - all with side straps to help affix to the turret. That's what I may do, just add straps to the included bin and call it done or just forget the bin entirely.
Anyway, if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page you'll see the Groundpower's that inspired the article on that site.