Well it started out as a question but its grown to Questions...lol
For my second PX entry I plan to do a Fw TL Entwurf 3 in almost all metal.
I ask once I've applied the base ally colour how does Humbrols metalcote take Tamiya masking tape?...i.e. is it tape safe?
The plan is to tint the residue of the first base colour with other shades of metalcote to vary the shades of panels.
Also I assume it best to polish "after" all the shades of metalcote have been applied or ...is it better to polish as you go?
And having used metalcote for the first time on the 1st PX entry....After the camo was applied I masked off and brush painted steel colour to the exhaust nozzle. This dried very flat and when polished with Q-tips and soft yellow duster it was transformed, it really did look like metal. After that I futured and decaled and futured again but when I sprayed the dull coat on it was still ok but it had lost that first un-coated metal look.
So...after getting my breath back....I ask can you decal straight onto the polished metalcote without future and flat coat? And can future be painted over?
I ask because if I'm doing an all-ish metal job how do I retain the look of the buffed-up metalcote under the future and matt coatings?
Thanks and cheers