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Here's an article with fixes for the base Tamiya M4A3 kit
http://www.usarmymodels.com/MANUFACTURERS/Tamiya/tamiya35122.html The article is dated and many more aftermarket corrections exist if you want to go that route. The hull dimensions are fine.
The biggest issues with the Jumbo are the inaccurate transmission housing and the shape of the turret. You can probably source those by putting up requests on various AFV classified pages. I'm sure lots of guys got turret and Jumbo trans replacement parts way back in the day but never used them. I'm sure there are good numbers of them sitting in dark boxes on guys' shelves and they'd be happy to sell them to you for a few bucks.
Before the Blast and Formations conversions and the Tasca kit, this is how people modeled the M4A3E2
Thanks Roy! Wow...someone with constructive advice! I have seen this article you linked to, and it's a great source. It at least points out the problems with the kit and offers some advice. I know Steve Zaloga also wrote an article in a 2002 publication where he detailed his construction and accurizing of this kit, but I cant seem to find it anywhere.
I AGREE with the constructive advice that our fellow modellers have contributed to this blog. My only other comment would be to save yourself the time, aggravation, and the wait-time for the other stuff to get to your home. IMO, you'd be happier to buy the TASCA Jumbo. Believe me, I've gone the TANK WORKSHOP, FORMATIONS, and BLAST routes- ALL will give you a NICE Jumbo, but for sheer ease, my TASCA Jumbo gave me the most satisfaction upon completion, if only because of the ease and time I needed to put into it's construction, detailing, painting, and the light weathering job.
My Jumbo is depicted as a "nearly new" vehicle, "tied-down" on my TAMIYA M26 "Dragon Wagon" Tractor/Trailer combo, late Autumn, Europe, 1944...

The M26, of course is necessarily more heavily weathered.
I LOVE WWII US/Allied stuff, especially when I can combine a tank with a soft-skin for a display...