The Germans always had a diametrically opposed views of artillery, they thought that if one round could do the job right from the first time the better, so a bigger and powerful gun is needed. A gun that could cracked the fortress and also act as a suppression weapon.
Eventually a 54cm/60cm ultraheavy mortar gun dubbed as "Geraet" 040 was developed. Six superheavy guns were built and they were all given names: Adam(I), Eve(II), Thor(III), Odin(IV), Loki(V) and Ziu (VI). Eve and Loki were captured by US forces in 1945.
This vignette is to depict a captured gun painted in RLM grey scheme. An injured German POW seeking medical treatment was escorted by an American GI. Both of their attention were drawn to this huge, stunning, fiece looking machine: The Ultimate 54cm Morser Karl Loki.