Quoted Text
Most likely because they came from the factory that way.
Indeed this may be the case. I assumed that it was Army idea, because as I wrote earlier almost all Marines trucks on my photos have tires monted all facing the same direction in relation to the truck. This is the way XL tires are mounted on lots of other military vehicles used all over the world (e.g. French VAB, German Fuchs and Luchs, even British Land Rovers). At the same time almost all Army 5-ton trucks on my pictures have tires facing the same direction in relation to the wheel rims, what means that they are not the same direction in relation to the truck. And I'm talking about several hundred photographs here...
I do not try to insinuate that you don't know what you talk about! I apologize if you think I did. You sure know lot more about it than I ever will. But what you wrote only means that I was most likely wrong about the cause why tires are mounted this way on Army trucks, but not about the very fact that they ARE indeed usually mounted this way.
If 5-ton trucks were arriving from the factory with tires mounted this way - what would be indeed easy to explain, as mounting all tires on rims in the same direction makes installation of large numbers of them on a production line easier - then interesting question is why Marines trucks usually have tires mounted differently?...

Maybe reason as simple as different production runs at the factory?
"Usually" is a key word here - I have photos of Marine trucks with tires mounted in "Army" way, and photos of Army trucks with tires mounted in regular "Michelin standard" way. I also have photos of trucks with completely random tire directions.
Here is a small photo collage of 5-ton trucks:
US Army:

US Marines:

By the way - I of course know that this whole discussion has very marginal importance to majority of modelers, but I find this little mistery interesting...
EDIT: I just noticed that on my photos above all Army trucks are A2 models, while Marines trucks are A1 models - maybe this is the answer?!