Ho and Howdy!!
My apologies for arriving here a tad late, but like that ever so
great burger joint in California, I've been "In & Out".
First off, this looks like a very cool build there Roo-
tabaga. At first glance (before reading your script) I was trying to figure out what kit it was.......well, a Roo's Resin kit of course!
You said: "...
These were scratch built 6 months ago as masters for molding but..." Does that mean you are using the 'Masters' to build this project?
All of the pieces look expertly done, especially the wheels/tyres, bonnet and axles....I won't even go into the 'A' pillar cab section. You should really give a class on doing that. And you also did a splendid job of scratching that clear tube with the nifty red cap on it.....very nice.

Can't wait to see the updates Cliff.......oops, what's this I see on the 'Latest Posts'?
More updates!........gotta go, seeya!!