There is no doubt, that the ending of the war in Europe will be celebrated, and we want to join in on the celebrations with this campain.
The name of the campaign is still being considered, but a suggestion could be: "VE -Victory Europe" or "Liberation of Europe"
The main outline is:
Build a diorama or vignette with appropiate figures, planes, ships og vehicles representing the days around surrender of the Axis forces in Europe in May 1945.
Preferably the build should be supported with original photos.
There will be 3 categories covering all scales, planes, ships, vehicles and figures:
1) Occupied countries and Germany (eg. Denmark, France, Holland etc…): The build must represent a scene from the participants homecountry - meaning a Dane should build something which represents Denmark.
2) The Allied: The build must represent a scene from the participants homecountry or involved forces - that could be British troops crossing the Danish border on may the 6., US forces meeting with Russians, Civillians celebrating on Trafalgar Square etc.
3) Neutral countries: If you can make a build representing your country then its encouraged, but othervise you are free to pick your own choice of the above.
We would like you to make a scene that captures the feelings around VE-Day - relief, joy, despair etc. - meaning that a sole vehicle on a plate, just won't do it unless it's crowded with celebrating civilians or german POW´s - if you get the point ;-)
We encourage the use of original photos as referance.
The campaign will run from January 25th (end of the Battle of the bulge) until 8th of May - VE day.
Contest Element
Those completing this campaign will receive a online ribbon in their user profile to show their involvement in this campaign.
Interested participants so far:
Neill ?
So, how about YOU ?