I've come up with a fairly easy way to improve on the guages on our models. After being inspired by Teacher, with his great dashboard on his Big Shot model, I thought I would pursue my "dashboard delima". Starting with the stock dashboard, even with a perfect paint job these still look pretty toyish.

I next tried the "stick on gauge affect": Passable but jagged edges and 2 dimenion look.

Finally I tried drilling out each gauge and attaching a guage to the back of the dashboard: much better, I think this is a great improvement.

I "googled" images of gauges and printed off a couple of different sizes (white background works best). Taped the paper with scotch tape (for protection) and glued them in place with future. After it'sdry, a drop of future on front to simulate glass. Oh: the dashboard has to be thinned down to bring the gauge closer to the front of the dashboard.
