Armor/AFV: Braille Scale
1/72 and 1/76 Scale Armor and AFVs.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Italeri M8 Greyhound
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Posted: Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 03:24 PM UTC
Has anyone built this armored car? I noticed that it has a simplified build for wargamers and a detailed build for modelers. I like that.

The wheels are hollow in the rear, has anyone found a solution (besides looking for aftermarket wheels--do they even exist?)? I wonder if I can bend a small piece of styrene rod to the same circumference and make it fit inside the gap? Maybe I can hack up the extra wheels provided for the wargamer version and add backs to the non-wargaming wheels? Hmm...

The kit was actually cheaper than the Revell reissues of the old Matchbox 1/76 scale kits that my local shop also had (T-34/76 & M7 Priest).
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 03:29 PM UTC

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The wheels are hollow in the rear, has anyone found a solution (besides looking for aftermarket wheels--do they even exist?)? I wonder if I can bend a small piece of styrene rod to the same circumference and make it fit inside the gap?

Sabot, how about putty? I think that would be easier than trying to bend a rod to the correct shape, and also easier to fill the wheel.

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Posted: Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 03:33 PM UTC
I think I figured out a solution, if I take the wargamer simplified wheel/suspension assembly and remove the tire portion. Then sand it down so it becomes half a tire. Sand off the back side of the regular tire and then join the two tire halves. I should be set. (I think)
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 09:30 PM UTC
Rob, I know you mentioned a 'home-made' solution but Cal35 have just announced a wheel set. ..

The solution I thought of, (for the wheels on the DUKW) was to fill them with Milliput....

I think you are virtulally there with using the 'Wargame' wheels - couldn't each set be cut in half vertically and then glued together?

The link for the Cal35, news story is here: Cal35 ..Jim
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California, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 14, 2005 - 03:55 PM UTC
I have the Tamiya??
wll that help??

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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 01:33 AM UTC
Ron, as this is the 'Braile Scale' forum (1/72nd - 1/76th) and Tamiya''s is 1/35th scale...Jim
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Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 02:09 AM UTC

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I have the Tamiya??
wll that help??

Not really, I have the Tamiya, Italeri and an old Revell/Life-Like 1/40 scale M8 to go by as well as the Hunnicutt Armored Car book.

The problem with the little (about the size of a Matchbox car) M8 is the kit wheels are molded with a hollow back. I'm trying to figure out a way to fill the backs so they are not so toy-like.

I think I figured it out since Italeri includes a separate wargamer's simplified wheel assembly.

Jim, perhaps I'll try this and if it all works out I'll do a short build review on the M8. The fix should also apply to the DUKW since I think the wheel backs have a similar problem.
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Wales, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 02:51 AM UTC
How did you get around Italeri's other major problem - providing an M20 interior to the hull and leaving off the M8s turret basket?

I'd love to know how they came up with that one, as Mongram did it too.
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Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 03:07 AM UTC

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How did you get around Italeri's other major problem - providing an M20 interior to the hull and leaving off the M8s turret basket?

I'd love to know how they came up with that one, as Mongram did it too.

Umm, check again. We're talking about the 1/72 scale kit here. Not the 1/35 scale kit.
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 03:34 AM UTC
Rob, I'll try it as well - I have the DUKW almost finished and wondering what to do about the wheels as well. You go first ..Jim
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Wales, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 03:59 AM UTC
I was talking about the Braille scale M8 - honest!

My comment was based on these sprue shots of the Italeri 1/72 M8


which show a bench down either site of the fighting compartment and a pedestal at the rear. IIRC these were only found on the M20. The M8 had a small turret basket with 2 seats on it.

Confused now

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New York, United States
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Posted: Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 03:07 PM UTC
I'm about halfway through one - here's an update . . .
1. Let's remember this is the only styrene kit in this scale of this vehicle.
2. There is no interior to the turret - you need to add the seats, ammo storage (very prominent in the M8) and .50 cal ammo box.
3. The machine gun ring on top is so out of scale as to be useless - I removed it and put a mounting on the rear outside of the turret, as per references.
4. I forgot to remove the benches and pedestal - which would have been easy, due to the kit's construction.
5. The top of the hull (which makes the M20 the M8) sits too "proud" (high) when glued onto locator shelf. Sand off the locator shelf and glue top flush with hull.
6. The pioneer tools molded on the hull were very easy to remove.
7. The wheels are strange - recessed, not hollow - if you add the "hubs" from the wargamer's wheels, remember to remove the same depth from the axles. or your wheels will stick out too far(!)
8. The fenders are without locator pins or holes - good if you want to make a version without fenders (as so many seen in reference are.)
9. Like most 1/72 kits, it lacks lift eyes & etc.
10. The main gun has a flash suppressor - I found no pictures of one like this, so I replaced it with one from an old Hasa. M3 Grant.
11. The turret side storage provided is OK, but the turret has locator holes in the side - these need to be filled if you don't want to use Italeri's storage.
12. The .50 cal up top is pretty poor.

If I had it to do again (and I might) I would:
Test fit more carefully.
Cut out the benches and pedestal.
Buy aftermarket: wheels (mentioned by someone else on this website), .50 cal machine gun, and main gun (I think Aber makes one.)
Turn the front wheels (I still might.)
Use lots of expensive, useless aftermarket "storage "items!

Happy Modelling!